Google Poland SkillIp Mentoring 2024


Jako firma Google rozpoczynamy nabór do kolejnej edycji naszego programu mentoringowego, skierowanego do studentek, które chcą rozwijać swoją karierę w branży technologicznej. Program ma charakter hybrydowy (stacjonarny i wirtualny) i jest otwarty dla studentek kierunków informatycznych lub pokrewnych, które ukończą studia po październiku 2025 roku.

Poniżej zostawiam więcej szczegółów. W razie pytań zachęcam do pozostawienia komentarza lub wysyłania PW tutaj na forum.

Z poważaniem,
Mateusz Pabian

Are you studying in Poland and interested in mentoring sessions from Google engineers? Come and join us for Google SkillUp Mentoring 2024!

What is Google SkillUp Mentoring?

This in-person and virtual program is aimed towards promoting women in tech. It is open to students who identify as women and are currently studying Computer Science or similar subjects and graduating after October 2025.

If selected to take part, you’ll have regular 1:1 mentoring sessions with a Google engineer, helping you to develop your skills and prepare for a career in the tech industry.

Check out more details on our event site and express your interest by August 9th, 11:59 p.m. CEST. If selected we will get back to you with a confirmation and invitation by August 16th.

When & What Time

September 11th in-person

September - November you will have group and individual mentorship sessions Apply here


In-person at Google Warsaw (opening event in September) and Virtual (mentoring sessions)

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to

Have a great day!

Google Student Outreach Team